Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Last Post on this Blog

Please visit my new blog at: http://atailwaggingoodtime.wordpress.com/
I'll no longer be posting updates on this blog.Thanks and see you over there!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hurricane Safety and Preparedness!

Found this link and thought I'd share. Lots of great tips to prepare yourself AND your pets for the dreaded Hurricane Season!


Friday, March 18, 2011


It's been a while since my last post and boy have things warmed up! 85 degrees is the predicted high today! I can't believe it's going to get that HOT in March.
It's just a reminder that Summer is right around the corner and that usually means I get to meet lots of new furry friends and their owners. I'm excited for a busy spring and summer season!

*****Now is as good a time as ever to sign your furry friends up for a mid-day walk to get them out enjoying this weather, or a pit stop pop-in to break up the day while you're at work!*****

The latest.....
I'm still trucking along with my pregnancy and so far things have gone great and I"m so happy I've been able to continue my pet sits with ease throughout this journey.
Currently, I have a great helper, Amy, who is helping with some of my load and meeting almost all of your four legged friends. She'll be filling in lots for me while I'm out on 'maternity leave'. It truly will be a new adventure for me so I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I sure do hope to be back up and running in no time.
The month of May is sure to be an exciting month for me, but I'm happy to know I have wonderful help to fill in when the moment happens and your fur kids will be well cared for. Stay tuned....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ode to 2010

I'm a little behind on my new year update, but better late than never right?

2010, oh how I'll miss you! It was a good year for A Tail Waggin Good Time. I got to meet so many great new clients and kept up relationships with old clients. We started out the year BUSY and by summer, we were slammed! Couldn't ask for more. We made it through the blistering summer and we're now in the midst of a chilly winter! Thankfully, your pets don't care too much about the weather!
I picked up some new bird clients this year that have been a great addition. We literally pet sat for all sorts of animals from birds, to dogs, to cats, to lizards, to fish, and even hedgehogs! I love them all and I'm so glad you chose A Tail Waggin Good Time to care for your furry(or not so furry) pals in 2010.
We're working on year FOUR! Can you believe it? Time really does fly when you're having fun. I have been so blessed to do what I love for the past 3 years and I can only hope it continues.

2011 is looking bright, but will be a new adventure for me. Some of you may not know, but my husband and I are expecting a little boy due 5/24. That doesn't mean the end of pet sitting by any means. Right now I've got two great gals to help pick up the load this May/June. They are already filling in now and you may have already had them do a few sits for your pets. They've been marvelous help to me so far and I know I can count on them in the months to come. Both are covered under my insurance and bonding.

In the new year, if you find yourself dreaming of a get-away, just go for it, and give me a call to care for your furry friends while you're away.
We're happily taking on new clients and would love to add your furry friends to the Tail Waggin Good Time pack. If possible, give us a week notice to schedule the consult and we're good to go. Old clients, you know the drill!
Our rates are the same as 2010 and if you live in West Ashley, there's usually some sort of discount, so take advantage!

A Great big THANKS to all of you for letting us take care of your beloved pets in 2010 and we look forward to serving you in 2011!!
Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November Goodness

Well, this year is officially almost over..sigh! I always try to absorb as much of the last 3 months of the year as I can b/c I absolutely LOVE this time of year. With cooler weather, the smells of fall, getting to wear scarfs, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas, all wrapped up into 3 delightful months, who doesn't love it?

One downside to fall though is this awful time change! Boy do I hate the time change and I'm sure you do too! Who likes it to be dark when they get home from a long day at work? Not I!

It is, however, a wonderful time to sign your furry pals up for a mid-day walk or pop-in for several reasons:
1. The weather is perfect! Don't make your beloved pet stay stuck inside on these beautiful fall days!
2. It's dark when you get home! Who wants to take that usual long evening walk in the dark? Let me do it for you with a mid-day walk when it's still daylight and nice outside!

Now is also a good time to start thinking about your holiday plans and what you will do with your furry pals! Book early b/c holiday's book up fast!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Why I love Summer

So, since I did a post about how much I LOVE fall last year, I thought I'd do the same for summer!
While fall is my first love, summer is right behind it. There's lots of great things about summer.
#1 no bulky jackets! While the days can often get unbearably hot, the good thing about Charleston is you can always find a body of water to cool off in, or just simply sit on the beach for a most wonderful breeze! No jackets allowed!
#2 Thunderstorms! I do love a good thunderstorm and from June on, it seems we get a great display of lights in the sky and roaring thunder every late afternoon or just about. It's always nice to have the rain cool it down a bit after a hot summer day! And if there's time for a nap, a good storm puts it over the top.
#3 Things to do. There's usually always something going on year round in chucktown, but in the summer there are always extra things like shagging at the piers, rockin' at the point, riverdogs baseball, etc. You should never find yourself bored in the summer!
#4 Long Days! boy do I hate when the time changes! I mean, I've never understood why we do this. Days already get shorter, so why take away another hour so it gets dark at 6pm?? I love Summer for it's long days!
#5 And lastly, I love summer b/c in regards to pet sitting, it means I get to meet lots of new clients. Many families take their vacations btw May-August so I tend to pick up an extra client or two(3, 4, or 5) :). I love meeting new clients and their beloved pets.
So, go on vacation, soak up the sun, take a nap, enjoy the storms, take in a baseball game, jump in the water, and always call A Tail Waggin' Good Time for all your pet sitting needs this summer!

Monday, March 29, 2010


Get your 'tail' in gear for spring!
You and your pooch are going to have a ball at these fun events in the Charleston area this spring!

Come see us at:

Pet Fest!
April 10-11th
Mount Pleasant, SC-Palmetto Islands County Park

Charleston Dog Show!
May 1st
Downtown Charleston, SC-Marion Square
We'll be sharing a booth with the Good Dog Bakery.

We'll see you there!